Numerička analiza dinamike rezonantnih asteroida pod dejstvom efekta Jarkovskog

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Numerička analiza dinamike rezonantnih asteroida pod dejstvom efekta Jarkovskog

Zur Langanzeige

Titel: Numerička analiza dinamike rezonantnih asteroida pod dejstvom efekta Jarkovskog
Autor: Milić Žitnik, Ivana
Zusammenfassung: The subje t of this dissertation is intera tion between the mean motion resonan- es and the Yarkovsky e e t. This intera tion o urs when an asteroid due to the hanges of its orbital semi-major axis ( aused by the Yarkovsky e e t) rea h the re- sonan e. The resonan e indu es a periodi os illations in the asteroid's semi-major axis around its enter. The Yarkovsky e e t exa tly auses the permanent (se ular) evolution of the orbital semi-major axis. As a result of their intera tion the mean semi-major axis drift speed is modi ed with respe t to the one aused solely by Yarkovsky. One of the main goals of this investigation was to study this intera tion, and to establish and de ne how the time that an asteroid spend in the resonan e depends on some hara teristi s of this resonan e, as well as of the asteroid itself. So far, the impa t of the resonan e on the semi-major axis drift speed has not been studied to that extent neither from that point of view. In order to study the afo- rementioned intera tion the orbital motion of test parti les a ross the resonan es is numeri ally simulated using ORBIT9 integrator. The most important result of this dissertation ertainly is determination of fun tional relation between on one side the time-period that obje ts spend inside a resonan e, and, on the other side, the semi- majors axis drift speed, the orbital e entri ity and the resonan e strength. In this work not only that existen e of the above-mentioned relationship is on rmed, but for the rst time it was expli itly de ned. Two the most interesting results are that the time spent in the resonan e is inversely proportional to the semi-major axis drift speed aused by the Yarkovsky e e t, and that this time is dire tly proportional to the resonan e strength.
Datum: 2017

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