Model Theory for Intuitionistic Logic



Model Theory for Intuitionistic Logic

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Title: Model Theory for Intuitionistic Logic
Author: Marković, Zoran
Abstract: The results from this thesis are obtained by using notions and procedures which are well-known in Kripke structures in the first place, together with some other constructions. They might provides insights about intuitionistic formal theories analogous to insights about classical logic provided by results of classical model theory. The thesis consists of three chapters. The definitions concerning syntax of the first order intuitionistic logic, the definitions and theorems about Kripke structures, Hayting algebras and saturated theories are given in Chapter 1. In the first part of the next chapter a few results about the connection between forcing and classical satisfaction relation are proved. In the second part of that chapter three alternatives of the antecedent of the omitting type theorem are presented, and an omitting types theorem is proved. It is important that there are many applications of that theorem. In Chapter 3 the following two kinds of products are considered: prime products of saturated theories and ultra products and reduced products of Kripke structures. In the first part of that chapter the following property is proved: a simple analogue of ultraproduct construction can be defined in terms of saturated theories. The important result from the second part of Chapter 3 is that the class of formulas preserved under reduced products is much broader than the class of formulas which are intuitionistically equivalent to Horn formulas.

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