Editor's Choice
It was not an easy task to choose only ten books from this library. But certainly I would like to have this selection of printed books in my library.
Rogerio Josepho Boscovich, Elementorum Universae Matheseos, 1757.
Tomus I Tomus II Tomus III
Ruđer Bošković, Elements of General Mathematics.
Sources: Ž. Mijajlović, N. Pejović, Dela Ruđera Boškovića u Virtuelnoj biblioteci,
N.Pejović, Early Astronomical Heritage in Virtual Libary
Vasilije Damjanović, Aritmetika, 1767.
Vasilije Damjanović, Arithmetics. First Serbian mathematical book.
Sources: N. Pejović, Digitalization of mathematical textbooks used in Serbia in the past
Zaharije Stefanović Orfelin, Večni kalendar, 1783.
Zaharije Stefanović Orfelin, Perpetual calendar.
Sources: N.Pejović, Ž. Mijajlović, Early Astronomical Heritage in Virtual Library
Atanasije Stojković, Fisika, 1803.
Tom I Tom II Tom III
Atanasije Stojković, Physics. First Serbian book on physiscs.
Sources: ibid
Milan Andonović, Kosmografija, 1888.
Milan Andonović, Cosmography.
Source: ibid
Bogdan Gavrilović, Analitička geometrija tačke, prave, kruga i koničnih preseka, 1896.
Bogdan Gavrilović, Analytic geometry of point, line, circle and conic sections.
By editor's opinion, this is the best Serbian book on geometry.
Sources: Ž. Mijajlović (ed), Sabrana dela Bogdana Gavrilovića, Bogdan Gavrilović - Biography
Milutin Milanković
Kanon der Erdbestrahlung, 1941. Kroz vasionu i vekove, 1943.
Canon of Insolation Through Space and Centuries
Sources: http://legati.matf.bg.ac.rs/milankovic
Đuro Kurepa
Ensembles ordonnnés et ramifiés, 1935. Teorija skupova, 1951.
Ordering and ramified sets Set Theory
(Most influencing doctorial dissertation of a Serbian mathematician)
Source: Ž. Mijajlović, Life and work od Đuro Kurepa, Selected papers of Đuro Kurepa
Juraj Carić, Slike iz pomorskog života, 1884.
Juraj Carić, Images from maritime life.
Lazar Komarčić, Jedna ugašena zvezda, 1902.
Lazar Komarčić, One extinguished star. The first Serbian science fiction novel.