The combinatorial objects can be joined in a natural way with the correspondingcombinatorial Hopf algebras. Many classical enumerative invariants of combinatorial objectsare obtained as a result of universal morphism from the corresponding combinatorial Hopfalgebras to the combinatorial Hopf algebra of quasisymmetric functions.On the other hand, to combinatorial objects we can assign some geometric objects such ashyperplane arrangement or convex polytope. For example, simple graph corresponds to graphicalzonotope and matroid corresponds to matroid base polytope. These classes of polytopes belongto the class of polytopes known as generalized permutohedra. For a generalized permutohedronthere is a weighted quasisymmetric enumerator which for different classes of generalizedpermutohedra represents generalizations of classical enumerative invariants such as Stanley’schromatic symmetric function for graph and Billera−Jia−Rainer quasisymmetric function formatroid.A weighted quasisymmetric enumerator associated with a generalized permutohedron is aquasisymmetric function. For certain classes of generalized permutohedra this enumeratorcoincides with the result of the universal morphism from corresponding combinatorial Hopfalgebra. |