Parallel software system for counting finite models



Parallel software system for counting finite models

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Title: Parallel software system for counting finite models
Author: Pejović, Aleksandar
Abstract: This dissertation is about the development of a parallel software system for representing and solving problems of finite model theory and its application. The theoretical foundation of the system is presented, as well as an in-depth explanation of the implementation in Python. In particular, a parallel method for computing Boolean expressions based on the properties of finite free Boolean algebras is developed. It is also shown how various finite combinatorial objects can be coded in the formalism of Boolean algebras and counted by this procedure. Specifically, using a translation of first order predicate formulas to propositional formulas, we developed a technique for constructing and counting finite models of first order theories. Finally, we have developed some general techniques that enable more effective use of our system. We illustrate these techniques on two examples. The first one deals with partial orders, while the other one is about random graphs.
Date: 2020

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