Analiza prebrojivih modela potpunih teorija linearno uređenih struktura



Analiza prebrojivih modela potpunih teorija linearno uređenih struktura

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Title: Analiza prebrojivih modela potpunih teorija linearno uređenih struktura
Author: Ilić, Dejan
Abstract: We study linearly ordered structures and their complete theories. The main technical tools used in the analysis are condensations, i.e. partitioning the ordering into convex parts and then studying the quotient structure and that of the parts. We introduce a uniformly definable condensation relation cδ that decomposes the ordering into largest convex pieces whose first order theory is simple: they are either dense or discrete orderings. We study cδ quotient structures that are expansions of certain simple countable discrete orderings and give a precise description of those having Cantor Bendixson rank 1. We also use the condensation cδ to prove that any linear ordering expanded by finitely many unary predicates and equivalence relations with convex classes is interpretable in a pure linear ordering. We introduce notions of linear and strong linear binarity for linearly ordered structures and their complete theories. In the case of a theory, the defining condition expresses a property of the automorphism group of its saturated model. We prove that any complete theory of a linear ordering with unary predicates and equivalence relations with convex classes is strongly linearly binary. The main result states that a strongly linearly binary structure is definitionally equivalent to a linear ordering with unary predicates and equivalence relation with convex classes added. In the proof we give a description of definable sets in any linear ordering with unary predicates and equivalence relations with convex classes.
Date: 2016

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