O P - temenima nekih stabala



O P - temenima nekih stabala

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Title: O P - temenima nekih stabala
Author: Erić, Lj. Aleksandra
Abstract: This thesis concerns P-vertices and P-set of non-singular acyclic matrices A and also singular acyclic matrices. It was shown that each singular matrix of order n has at most n ¡ 2 P-vertices. Also, it is shown that this does not hold for non-singular acyclic matrices by constructing non-singular acyclic matrices whose graphs are T having n¡1 ( or n) P-vertices. These matrices also achieve maximum size of P-set over non-singular acyclic matrices whose graphs are T. In this thesis, there is classi¯cation of the trees for which there is non- singular matrix where each vertex is P-vertex. In particular, it is shown that such trees have an even number of vertices. Both results provide answer to questions proposed by I.-J. Kim and B. L. Shader. In the end, related classi¯cations on non-singular trees with the size of a P-set bounded are addressed. Also, it is shown that double star DSn with n vertices, is an example of a tree such that, for each non-singular matrix A whose graph is DSn the number of P-vertices of A is less than n¡2. This example provides a positive answer to a question proposed recently by Kim and Shader. A recent classi¯cation of those trees for which each of associated acyclic matrices has distinct eigenvalues whenever the diagonal entries are distinct was established. Here is analyze of maximum number of distinct diagonal entries, and corresponding location, in order to preserve that multiplicity characterization. Recently, the multiplicities of eigenvalues of ©-binary tree was analyzed. This paper carry this discussion forward extending their results to larger family of trees, namely, the wide double path, a tree consisting of two paths that are joined by another path. Some introductory considerations for dumbbell graphs are mentioned re- garding the maximum multiplicity of the eigenvalues.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2488
Date: 2012

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