Browsing Mathematics by Author "Telebaković Onić, Sonja"
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Telebaković Onić, Sonja (Beograd , 2022)[more][less]
Abstract: n this dissertation the connection between Frobenius algebras and topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) is investigated. It is well-known that each 2-dimensional TQFT (2-TQFT) corresponds to a commutative Frobenius algebra and conversely, i.e., that the category whose objects are 2-TQFTs is equivalent to the category of commutative Frobe- nius algebras. Every 2-TQFT is completely determined by the image of 1-dimensional sphere S1 and by its values on the generators of the category of 2-dimensional oriented cobordisms. Relations that hold for these cobordisms correspond precisely to the axioms of a commutative Frobenius algebra. Following the pattern of the Frobenius structure assigned to the sphere S1 in this way, we examine the Frobenius structure of spheres in all other dimensions. For every d ≥ 2, the sphere Sd−1 is a commutative Frobenius object in the category of d-dimensional cobordisms. We prove that there is no distinction between spheres Sd−1, for d ≥ 2, because they are all free of additional equations formulated in the language of multiplication, unit, comultiplication and counit. The only exception is the sphere S0 which is a symmetric Frobenius object but not commutative. The sphere S0 is mapped to a matrix Frobenius algebra by the Brauerian representation, which is an example of a faithful 1-TQFT functor. We obtain the faithfulness result for all 1-TQFTs, mapping the 0-dimensional manifold, consisting of one point to a vector space of dimension at least 2. Finally, we show that the commutative Frobenius algebra QZ5 ⊗ Z(QS3), defined as the ten- sor product of the group algebra and the centre of the group algebra, corresponds to the faithful 2-TQFT. It means that 2-dimensional cobordisms are equivalent if and only if the corresponding linear maps are equal. URI: Files in this item: 1
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